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Larry H. and Gail Miller Business Building

Salt Lake Community College
Gail Miller School of Business


The Larry H. and Gail Miller Business Building Addition and Renovation will provide an extensive and much needed upgrade to the current Business Building, originally constructed in 1984. Because of recent upgrades to the existing restrooms, classrooms, and mechanical controls, the Addition and Renovation will focus on other missing amenities that will enhance student learning experience as well as create a business community hub.


The facility is intended to house the Accounting, Finance, and Legal Studies, Management and Marketing, and Computer Sciences and Information Systems departments. However, the driving desire is to provide a state-of-the-art environment for any and all who wish to think big and have an impact. In addition to the classroom spaces within the building, additions and adjustments include: Kickstarter spaces, Maker space, Business Resource Center, Central Collaboration steps, an Auditorium for 150 people, and a Rooftop event space for 300 people.


The site is located on the northeast edge of the Redwood Campus, and allows ample opportunities to expand the building without conflicting with other existing buildings. The desire to enhance the entrances will guide the additions to occur to the north, east, and south of the building into existing greenspace and parking lot.


